Hospitality Of Pakistan



Hospitality of Pakistan

Posted By : Uzair Sheikh/ 1896 1

Hospitality of Pakistan is renowned. In Pakistan, guests are a gift from God, and many people are honored to treat them as such. During my travels through Pakistan, people have…

  • Invited me to stay in their homes despite not knowing me at all.
  • Slept on the floor so I could sleep in their bed.
  • Fed me a million and one times, even when they were fasting during Ramadan.
  • Taken the time to show me around their cities, villages, regions.
  • Gifted me everything from clothing to food to souvenirs.
  • … and then some.

The hospitality of Pakistan  is incredible and continues to amaze me even after repeat visits to the country.

More if they help you a lot over a period of time. Help out around the house, or buy gifts of fruits, sweets, or nuts (called “dried fruits” in Pakistan). Meat is also a good gift for poorer people in villages. Bring small gifts from your own country or home for people who host you.

Sometimes people will not accept, but it doesn’t hurt to offer. If it’s a matter of pride over money, you can always give a little financial gift to the kids, or leave money somewhere in their house where they’ll find it.


Uzair is a team member in Magellan as Tour Expert. He is responsible for all of the arrangements of trips of Ormara - Magellan Weekends.
He also controls the email, chat support and handles the movement on social media pages and website as well.
Prior to join Magellan Travels, Uzair was Chat support executive at Ibex Global in the campaign of Foodpanda.
Uzair earned the B.Com from University of Karachi, and now he is studing to be graduated in Sociology.

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